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Having Trouble Focusing?
Practice how to focus with a guided meditation
When we’re facing something really important, we often want to have good focus. But forcing ourselves to focus is hard to do. Focusing is something we can practice, and meditation is a great way to do that. Sometimes when we’re trying to meditate we will find that the mind wanders, and this isn’t a problem. It’s not doing meditation wrong. It is something that happens to all of us because we’re human beings.
By practicing focus through meditation, we can learn to “tune out” the things that aren’t the primary focus of attention and skillfully pay attention to what matters. This has benefits for us in terms of being present with whatever is happening in our lives and actually having a meaningful experience with the present moment, but it’s also a great practice for when you do need to focus on something with work, with a creative endeavor, with relationships and conversations.
I’m a licensed mental health counselor who enjoys sharing mindful meditations and information about mindfulness. Below is a transcript of a meditation I led on this topic, and at the end of the article, you’ll find a link to the meditation video. In this guided meditation, we play with the idea of sharp focus versus fuzzy focus — looking at something very specific versus looking at something broad to practice the practice of focus…